Nov 28, 2019
If you’re an entrepreneur, a new business owner or an ambitious - driven person, you will have to have difficult conversations. Conversations about money, letting people go, choosing what’s the best way to move forward for your business which may mean some career partnerships aren’t going to last,...
Nov 21, 2019
Summary: How to diet based on your genes in part 2 of this interview of the interview with Dr. Hailey Heard and Dr. Megan Arnold, cofounders at MaxGen Labs. In this episode, they share how some popular diets, like going Keto, may be hurting you more than helping you. They also share how you can take control of your life...
Nov 14, 2019
Summary: Dr. Hailey Heard and Dr. Megan Arnold are cofounders at MaxGen Labs. In this episode, they share how their genetic testing kits are helping women with autoimmune disease live and eat better. “We can literally look at your genes and pinpoint specifically how you function as a whole and how we can personalize...
Nov 7, 2019
Shawna Bigby Davis, a creative director, and advertising executive shares how she overcomes burnout out when she needs to be “on.” If you’re ever on stage or have a big presentation in front of your office or have to meet people during a networking event. This podcast will help you overcome work through...